The students, families, and stakeholders living in our district are the lifeblood of our school and Pen Argyl Area High School is committed to maintaining the health of well-being of those citizens. This outreach page has been designed to provide students and families with important information and resources for a variety of issues that have affected our school and community. Please take the time to explore these resources and refer those in need to the services found therein.
Use this link for a rolodex of services found in Northampton County.
Always remember the shared values of the Pen Argyl School District:
- We believe that education is the key to every child's success.
- We believe that all children can learn.
- We believe that each child's qualities, differences, talents, and abilities should be recognized, developed,challenged, and celebrated.
- We believe that our schools must prepare all children to become productive and socially responsible citizens.
- We believe that schools must be safe, civil, and caring.
- We believe that healthy children perform better in school.
- We believe that communication between home and school is essential to educational success.
- We believe that the school board, staff, parents, and community must share in providing the best possible education for our children.