Welcome to the Technology Department
The PAASD Technology Department is committed to assisting with implementing the district's mission and vision for technology rich educational opportunities. Technology is used throughout the district to support student learning, professional growth, and productivity in an engaged, educationally focused environment. We believe that when used effectively, technology can be instrumental in transforming learning opportunities for students.
For families new to the district, welcome! Below, you will find a document that outlines important information for students and parents/guardians on how to access important school accounts and programs. For more information please click the link below:
New Student/Family Technology Information Guide
Have an issue with your Chromebook? Complete the appropriate form to report the problem and receive support.
Virtual Students
Hybrid or Full-time Face to Face Students
A notice about the use of videoconferencing tools:
In order to ensure that students have equitable access to online instructional materials, teachers may record synchronous instructional sessions through Google Meet or Zoom. The teacher may share the recording of live instruction in the virtual classroom for the class in which the recording took place, for review by all students in the class at a later time.
All class recordings are not to be redistributed or altered.
Important Documents: